Showing posts with label Beachbody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beachbody. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Round 1 of the 21 Day Fix Done!

J and I recently finished our first round of the 21 Day Fix and are very happy with the plan so far.  We didn't follow it perfectly (had some cheat meals, didn't always work out, etc), so we didn't see as good as results may have been expected, but we were pretty happy with what we did accomplish.

The biggest change is that we are eating a lot healthier.  We're planning out all our meals, eating smaller portions, and consuming way more fruits and veggies.  We can eyeball a lot of portion sizes now, but still use the containers for some things.

We've also been working out a lot more than we were previously.  The 30 minute work out videos are short, but a great workout.  They will kick your butt.  We can feel ourselves getting stronger and the moves getting a little easier. 

We each lost about 5 pounds during the first 21 days and a couple inches throughout body.  No drastic changes, but I'm happy with the program just for the facts that we're eating healthier and working out  We're definitely going to stick to it and make it a part of our lifestyle now. 

Have you done the 21 Day Fix?  How were your results?

Monday, May 4, 2015

21 Day Fix

Hey everyone!  Sorry I've been so absent lately.  I'm still not running, so I didn't really feel like I had much to say.  :-(

Since I'm not running, I've gained about 10 pounds, so I need to do something.  One of my friends recommended the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody, so I'm going to try it out.

*FYI, I am not a Beachbody coach and do not earn anything from talking about the 21 Day Fix.  I just wanted to share my progress with the program with you.*

If you're not familiar with the 21 Day Fix, it's a fitness and nutrition program.  You get 6 different 30 minute workout videos which you rotate throughout the week.  Then, they send you containers to teach you healthy eating and proper portion control.

I'm ridiculously excited about trying it out and hope it works.  Both J and I are starting tomorrow.  I'll try posting regularly to give you updates on our progress!
